Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

I started off strong in my goal to get healthy.  I woke up early,  7:30 am.  I started the morning with some stretching and Yoga.  Then it was off to the shower.
After that I took some spare time brushing my teeth.  Making sure to get every tooth.
I topped it off with taking my vitamins and having a good breakfast, (healthy one too).
Then the workout.
I didn't want to start off too hard one the workout, I've done that before and it severly discourages further workouts.  So I did the simple.  20 push ups, 30 sit ups.  (on Top of the Yoga).

All in all I feel great, it has been a great morning.

(Adding in later)
I saw this video entitled "I Am Because We Are."
It's a video about some people who are less fortunate than we are.  I thought some of you might like it.

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